
Why should we care about empire?

Whether we like it or not, empire is everywhere we look. Often times, when people think of empires throughout history, they are thought of these vast institutions that served as economic and social hubs. However, it is important to note that empires have also been cruel constructs that impose harsh treatment on the societies they oversee. Through these blog posts, the good, the bad, and the ugly of empire and its ruins will be explored.

About the author

Reema is a first year student at the University of California, Irvine. She is a declared Political Science major and hopes to attend law school upon graduation. However, she is also interested in international relations and hopes one day for a diplomatic career, with a concentration in the Middle East, particularly the Levant.

Featured photo

The photo showcased both on the homepage and above was actually taken by Reema in the summer of 2016 during her visit to Lebanon. The ruins in the image are located in Baalbek, a city that once belonged to the Roman Empire.